Sitting in studio, headache from thinking, trying NOT to stress. I go to check my small group's blog and found myself immersed in other people's funny stories and inspiring thoughts. I look back on my bare, outdated blog from my mission trip to Bolivia this summer and realized it needed more tender, love and care.

So here's a snippet from my journal (which I happen to have in studio today!)

30 de Junio '09

(Sitting at the food court in Peru during our lay over to Cochabamba, Bolivia)
Hyerim: "So every where we go we have to go together?"
Me: "Yeah, of course! Are you going to leave me Hyerim Lee?"
Hyerim: "No. Just in case we get lost we have to have a back up plan!"
Me: "Meet at the police station! No, the embassy! Yeah the police station!"

"Why do I mention this conversation? Mainly because I can't think of anything else to write, but also to remind me later of how Hyerim and I conversed before the trip. I say this because I know that God will not only work in our individual lives but in our friendship [as well.] Through times of testing and triumphs I know YOU will change us for the better [LORD.]

I guess I am expecting a lot for this trip, but all silently, in my heart. I expect YOU to move and change us because that is what YOU do. Through the Holy Spirit we are never ever the same. So whether it is from the smallest of gestures, to the greatest of changes, I know LORD that we will never be the same."

(translation by Hyerim)

Sometimes the invisible hand of God is not so invisible. You could see it through events in your day and through the people He uses. I guess I just need to open my eyes more. Stop searching for things that are not there and just appreciate and marvel at the incredible things sitting right in front of me. CHANGE IS HAPPENING.

One day I woke up and it was my last day in Bolivia...
It's already been 4 weeks since I left California and my time in Cochabamba seemed like only moments. Right now I'm in Miraflores, Peru, sitting in a room slightly wider than arms length, trying to figure out how I could ever sum up my 30 days in Bolivia.

Well for the first 2 weeks Hyerim and I taught an English camp for 7-12 graders, 2 classes each, 6hrs a day. After class the students and their families would take us out site seeing and on weekends the missionary family (Pastor Lee and his wife) would take us on special trips or to the different churches he had planted.

The next 2 weeks definitely were the fastest. The missions team from the Gardena church arrived on Saturday, 18th and after a quick intro and Sunday church service, Monday rolled around, which officially began the VBS program. Sayariy School is a private christian school from pre-k to 12th. Each day we had 3 different age groups from 8:30am-4:00pm. Try to picture screaming kids, glitter, and 8 "teachers" (half of us barely graduated HS) and that was pretty much our mornings. The afternoons proved to be a different challenge. Teaching 60+ unenthusiastic, bored, too cool to care teenagers English songs was not a pic nic either. I would take screaming kids and glitter any day.

It probably sounds like I'm describing a horrible experience right now, and at certain times it was. There were points during this trip that each of us grew teary eyed out of frustration. Yet with every obstacle and difficulties come the rewards and blessings. My blessings was meeting the students, getting to know them outside the classroom and loving them with Christ's love. We grew so close to them and with the entire school that on the last day during our final presentation we all balled like babies while saying our goodbyes.

I've never had a mission's experience where I had the opportunity and time to build friendships and on that final day I guess I just realized how GREAT of a blessing it truly wasBolivia, at that school and with those students. I explained to the them afterwards (while Elder Chung translated it to spanish for me) that I was crying out of happiness, out of gratitude to the Lord beacause I had an amazing experience with them.

I could go on more and I will. THANK THE LORD for WiFi! hahaha

These last few days in Peru will be our touristy, debriefing time. We'll be hostel hopping, so finally some WiFi opportunities. Tomorrow were taking a 22hrs bus ride (yes nearly an entire day) to Cuzco to go visit MACHUPICCHU :)

God is good. THANK YOU for loving me enough to be a part of this trip. More updates to come!

Like Speedy Gonzales I will try to catch you up on everything that has happened here in the past week.


We left LAX Monday night and arrived in Cochabamba, Bolivia at 8am Wednesday morning. Yup, almost 3 days went by. I felt like I was living in the airport :) All was well except of a minor, random NOSE BLEED on the 2nd to last plane ride. (pictures later)


Within 2hrs of arriving at the school we were told to create a 2 week lesson plan in 30mins for an English class we were going to teach the 9am the next day! So in very few words..we are BUSY HERE! After getting over the hump of the first day all is well here. We teach 2 classes each. One in the morning and afternoon. Here´s our schedule.

Monday to Friday:

7:00am - Wake up
8:00am - Breakfast with Missionary
9:00am - Morning class (14yr olds)
12:00pm - Lunch with Missionary
1:00pm - Afternoon class (17yr olds)
4:00pm - Dinner or outings with the students
7:00pm - Retun to our dorm and prepare for the next day
11:00pm - Try to sleep :)

aahhhh the Samoneem is here I have to go! Continue later my loves byyyeee!!

GOD GIVES..perfectly. He knows exactly WHAT we need and WHEN we need it and he provides. Only I am the one who hesitate, who doubt, who worries, who lacks faith. He will continue to be perfect!

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him." Psalm 18:30

My funds are temporarily met for the trip yet I am continuing to raise funds during and after I return. THANK YOU to all those who have given so generously and selflessly! For others, please consider, and pray to be a part of this BOLIVIA trip!! Yet again, for now ALL I NEED IS MET!


"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20,21

Monday, June 29th LAX Copa Airlines 303 @ 11:30pm
for my 2:00am flight :)

Please pray for God's POWER and COMPASSION!!

Bienvenidos a! ahaha

For you brave souls that dare to decipher my ramblings I WARN YOU, there will be insurmountable grammatical errors and just plain nonsense. YET I pray God will
bless this blog and use it to share the unbelievable things He is doing in the country and people of Bolivia.

I leave with lovely Hyerim on June 30th, Tuesday, 2am but I'll be at the airport earlier that Monday night at 11:30pm.
LAX Copa Airlines 303

I don't know how much time I will have to update but I will do my best to upload PICTURES and the blessings of that day/week :)

I am fortunate to be in this position but I know I won't fully understand the gravity of it until I am there. For now I just wanted to give you, my family, a way to stay connected with me and OUR trip because without your support and continuing prayers I wouldn't be able to move an inch towards this goal.

Please pray for:
...those in Bolivia, with hearts that only JESUS can HEAL!
...hyerim and i to
obey, pray, stay in His Word and lay nothing but
LOVE/encouragement to each other and to those around us.
...missionary family who are generously hosting us
...and our own families who we are (temporarily) leaving behind

I continue to raise funds for this trip even as I leave. So please keep me in prayer to trust and not worry about money while I am gone :)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU a millions times over, thank you.

“The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” - Psalm 121:7-8